Friday, January 28, 2011

Obama is no Reagan

Interesting commentary on this latests comparison of Obama to honorable and noteworthy historical leaders.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Free...

Now a US Congressman!!! :)

Social Security Broke?

Ponzi schemes are illegal, unless you are government, which consistently peddles slavery and debt in the disguise of security and freedom. Social Security has now officially been disclosed go the way of all the wonderful Utopian entitlements...broke and unfunded.

See the following articles that illustrate what common sense should tell us all:

President Obama SOTU Address: A Plagiarist Fail?

Interesting article illustrating how much of Obama is really just recycled quotes...

White House to Push Gun Control

Only a matter of time before our government once again exploits a tragic event cause by some deranged nut to take away freedoms from the law abiding American citizens.

Article here:

Do less guns really equal "less" violent crime?

Lets see...


Statistics show a correlations of "more" guns = "less" crime...

Congress Will Probe Special Exemptions to Health-Care Law That Obama Administration Gave Select Unions and Businesses, Says Republican Senator

As the President Obama and his administration continue to pick and choose who the new Health Care law applies to, there is now a call from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) to investigate these "waivers".

See article here:

Here is the ever-growing list of the privileged to have an advantage of not having to be burdened with the new law's financial sucker punch:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jesse Ventura - Conspiracy Theory - Police State (FEMA Camps) HQ Full le...

Regardless of what you believe, if this is make-believe or real, this episode has been deleted from DVRs and is not to be re-broadcast by Tru-TV (article here: & here:

This above is the full episode found out on YouTube.

Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii

Ron Paul Comments on the SOTU Address

Congressman Ron Paul dismissed last night’s State of the Union political theater of making Republicans and Democrats sit together as part of a tenuous symbolic gesture in connection with the Tucson shootings as nothing more than “a bunch of fluff”.

Full article here:

SOTU - TSA Groping Is Funny?

Making light of this submission technique is yet another layer of humiliation on the law-abiding American people...


Google: An Arm of Government?

No doubt about it, Google is into just about anything you can imagine. They have literally mapped the world, with photos up to your front door. This is not the first notice of the questionable activities of Google...

Google and the NSA:

Google and Council on Foreign Relations (known for shaping much of US Government policy):

"Google accused of criminal intent over StreetView data":

SOTU - Fact Check on President Obama's Speech

Interesting fact-check on some of President Obama's comments from his State of the Union Address last night. Unfortunately this does not touch on the fact that the 10 year timeline is front loaded with massive taxes that outweigh the increase in expenses. Past this timeline, as with ALL entitlements, the cost is sure to overrun revenues. (See my other post here:

Here is the fact check article:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Security scanner blamed for woman's death

Is it possible that the security scanners put into our airports are not as safe as we are told?

Article here:

Naked body scanners and your health?

Article here:

Jesse Ventura Strikes Back with Lawsuit Against TSA

Former Governor Jesse Ventura has taken steps to sue the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security, naming their chiefs John Pistole and ‘Big Sis’ Janet Napolitano in a lawsuit that will take on invasive airport pat-downs...

Read more here:

Video of Ventura remarks here:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Say What? $100 Trillion?

World needs $100 trillion more credit, says World Economic Forum

Fannie and Freddie (The Tax Payer Gravy Train)

Just when we think we have seen it all with these money pits, the US taxpayer gets another bill...Legal bills for Fannie and Freddie. Remember, we pay for "EVERYTHING"...

New York Times article here:

The Money Masters (Video)

This is a long one...grab your pop-corn and a stress ball...

"FIAT System - Why the FederalReserve Violates the US Constitution" (Video)

The US Constitution

George Orwell 1984

Birthers? Who Keeps Bringing Up This Topic Anyway?

Funny how the Democratic Hawaii governor mentions that he will find and show President Obama's birth certificate, but cannot or will not deliver it. Now, White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs comes out to call "Birthers" as not being rational...

The headlines on this lately seen lately are largely created by those who "cry foul" on those who request proof in the form of a birth certificate, not those who question the validity of the existence of the President elect's birth certificate....oh the irony.

Another Debunking of Obamacare "Reducing" the Deficit

Interesting points laid out by Charles Krauthammer in this Washing Post article dated January 21, 2011...

It is all about how you structure the numbers, as in the case of Obamacare, there is a greater amount of taxes versus spending for the 10-year time period often discussed. Essentially we have here a large increase in spending offset with an even larger amount of taxes...both detrimental when considering our current "on the books" national debt is over $14 Trillion.

See Washington Post article here:

Times Are Hard, and Getting Harder...

I cannot speak for everyone out there, but times are certainly tight. As I post this, I am still blessed to have a job and the ability to meet my monthly obligations. However, the squeeze is definitely on and relief does not appear to be apparent for the near future. Thanks to our wonderful elected leaders ability to spend money on just about anything and anywhere, we are now seeing a national debt of over $14 Trillion ($45,300 for every man, woman, and child in America).

See article:

The debt is said to be mathematically impossible to pay back (

This does not even include other "liabilities" like Social Security, Medicare, etc. Also, the untold amount of derivatives (derivatives estimated at amounts of $1.5 Quadrillion...yikes!!) prove to add even more to this insurmountable debt.

See derivatives article:

Yet, Congress wants to increase the limits for debt. Perhaps it is time for us to consider just what course this country is taking toward imminent economic collapse.

Raising the Debt Ceiling? Jim DeMint (US Congressman - South Carolina) says "...our debt has reached scorching levels"

Reaching the debt ceiling should be a warning bell to Congress that our debt has reached scorching levels. But all Washington politicians want to do is shut off the alarm instead of put out the fire.

The alarms are ringing loudly, and with more frequency, in response to new and expanded entitlement programs, bailouts and Big Government takeovers. Congress has voted to raise the debt ceiling every year since 2002 — and twice in 2008 and 2009.

Raising the debt ceiling yet again without a plan to cut spending would be like putting out a fire with gasoline instead of water. Doing so would allow the government to continue borrowing more to spend more.

Read full article here from

Obamacare's Un-equal Protection Under the Law

With all the exemptions now being granted to the new Health Care Reform, it is proving to be another case of big business and various "insider" contributors getting more gracious goodies from the Federal Government. In the article below, you will see how unions are getting some of the kickbacks for the gracious support they have shown the President and Democrats in general over the past 3/4 century. Business as usual...

How can we expect businesses to compete on the ever-increasingly uneven playing field? This is yet another case of Corporatism, which has only expanded since the bailouts were initially implements just over 2 years ago.

Other information on the ever-increasing waiver list:

The list:

Moscow's Domodedovo Airport Attacked by Suicide Bomber

This unfortunate and tragic event will no doubt be used to further suppress free people. We have no doubt seen an increase in "security" here in America at our airports and expanding soon to other modes of transportation.

I find it "troubling" (to say the least) that my children will grow up in an America where being groped by strangers at the airport will be a common occurrence. Also, the idea of guilty until proven innocent is a concept turned on its head...

Article on Seattle activist who won suit against TSA:

Link to article on Moscow Airport bombing:

GM China Sales Surpass the United States Last Year

For the first time in GM's history, sales in China have been greater than those in the United States last year. According to Detroit (AP), 2.35 million vehicles were sold in China, 136,000 more than in the United States.

See article here:

Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Propaganda Tune at White House

Amazing what we are willing to take here in America in the name of political correctness and going out of our way to not offend. This includes our President bowing to leaders of nations that blatantly espouse evil as a means of controlling the public. In China's case, this refers to forced abortions and many other unspeakable atrocities.

Here is an article breaking down the latest slap in the face given to us by one of the largest owners our debt.


Lang Lang the pianist says he chose it. Chairman Hu Jintao recognized it as soon as he heard it. Patriotic Chinese Internet users were delighted as soon as they saw the videos online. Early morning TV viewers in China knew it would be played an hour or two beforehand. At the White House State dinner on Jan. 19, about six minutes into his set, Lang Lang began tapping out a famous anti-American propaganda melody from the Korean War: the theme song to the movie “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.”

The film depicts a group of “People’s Volunteer Army” soldiers who are first hemmed in at Shanganling (or Triangle Hill) and then, when reinforcements arrive, take up their rifles and counterattack the U.S. military “jackals.”

Obama administration expanding use of Guantánamo Bay: report

Despite the promise to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, it is reported that “The Obama administration is preparing to increase the use of military commissions to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, an acknowledgment that the prison in Cuba remains open for business after Congress imposed steep new impediments to closing the facility,” the New York Times reported.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

RAND Corporation

Interesting interview on the RAND Corporation, which has major influence on decisions made by the US Government.