Thursday, September 13, 2018

#BreakThemUp - The Case For Breaking Up The Social Media and Tech Monopolies

There is much talk about the de-platforming and censorship on social media. I have posted here several times regarding Alex Jones and and the incredibly syncronized censorship, removal from the biggest social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and now Twitter. Not to mention the removal of the Infowars app from Apple (previously Apple had removed his podcasts).

This is a coordinated effort to shut down not only free speech but also a business of a private citizen. Alex Jones and also have their own funding sources for operations through the Infowars Store.

I argue that this is extremely dangerous and an unconstitutional step to not only silence free speech and destroy the 1st Amendment but also creates an Anti-Trust issue and Alex Jones and Infowars are a competitor going up against monopolies in the Tech Industry and the realm of social media in the competition of "news".

President Donald Trump MUST act here in a move to break up these monopolies in order to save free speech (the 1st Amendment), the free market of ideas and news, and the ability of We The People to not be pigeonholed into a group-think echo chamber that by all intents and purposes is MEDDLING IN THE 2018 MIDTERM ELECTIONS by silencing conservative and PRO-Trump voices.

This must not stand and "liberals" who really care about the 1st Amendment and the future of our country need to wake up to see this coordinated scheme for exactly what it is - TECHNOLOGICAL FASCISM!!!

Here is an article from The Verge, which makes the monopoly-busting case. A good read.

Please share this post so that more people are aware of what is going on. It's time to save America!!

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